Getting to know your peers, competitors, customers and suppliers is one of the many benefits of membership in the MCAI. Our members regularly join in fellowship at the following events:
MCAI Annual Business Meeting
The Annual Business Meeting is normally held in June at a resort destination in Iowa or surrounding state. In addition to the business meeting and seminars, attendees enjoy each other’s company through golf and other entertainment venues.
Chapter Meetings
The Central Iowa and Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Chapters hold regular monthly meetings from September to May. These meetings are held during lunch or after work as a reception or a dinner meeting. Many meetings involve presentations by guest speakers, tours of local facilities, or are combined with a sporting event like an Iowa Cubs or Cedar Rapids Kernels baseball game.
Golf Outings
The Central Iowa Chapter holds its annual associate/affiliate member appreciation golf outing in July. The MCAI also assists the Iowa State University MCA Student Chapter with its annual golf fundraiser in September.
Holiday Celebrations
Two of the most popular social events are the Central Iowa and Cedar Rapids/Iowa City Chapter holiday parties. These parties are open to members and spouses/guests alike.
MCAI Membership
Become an MCAI member today and be part of the mechanical contracting industry’s premier association.