MCAI Services
The MCAI is dedicated to providing valuable services and resources to members and industry fund contributors. First organized for the sole purpose of collective bargaining, the Board of Directors developed a long-term strategy to gradually expand services to meet the needs of members. A brief summary of each category of service is listed below.
Labor Relations/Human Resources
The MCAI provides consulting and support services to signatory contractors by coordinating labor contract negotiations and representing employers during grievance hearings. We also appoint management trustees for pension, apprenticeship and health & welfare trust funds.
Safety is our number one priority, and the safest workforce requires a strong partnership between labor and management. Eliminating accidents and injuries demands continuous effort, so we regularly search for the most up-to-date information and produce safety materials to help keep our contractors’ worksites safe.
Government Relations
The MCAI participates in government relations at the local, state and federal level, and has been instrumental in the passage of landmark legislation positively impacting the construction industry. With two lobbyists, the MCAI maintains an active presence at the capitol, representing the interests of all members and non-members alike.
National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau
The MCAI administers the Iowa Chapter of the National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau by working closely with U.A. Locals 33 and 125 to provide state-of-the-art welding instruction and testing that meets all code requirements. The Iowa Chapter, NCPWB tracks welding certifications and continuities for welders employed by signatory contractors.
Training and Education
Through educational programs offered both locally and nationally, MCAI members are provided a wide variety of educational opportunities. The MCAI also maintains a close relationship with Iowa State University’s Construction Engineering Program and sponsors an MCAA Student Chapter.
Industry Relations
Many programs, and certainly legislation, have a better chance for success when developed as a collaborative effort by related industry organizations. Whether it be another trade association or labor union, the MCAI strives to build a consensus in the construction industry and maintains regular communication with these organizations to better serve its membership.
A core service of the MCAI is the opportunity for all members to join in fellowship and simply get to know each other a little better. Through regular business meetings and retreats, as well as social and sporting events, the MCAI strives to maintain an environment of harmony and cooperation that benefits the construction industry as a whole.
MCAI Membership
Become an MCAI member today and be part of the mechanical contracting industry’s premier association.